In 2016, the Stockholm Football Association formulated a vision for how the facility situation in the City of Stockholm ought to look after 2020. The vision is that in each urban zone – West Stockholm, the Inner City and South Stockholm – in addition to existing football pitches, there will be a larger football facility with the surface potential for 10 full-sized 11-a-side pitches. These larger facilities should offer all types of pitch sizes for 5-, 7-, 9-, and 11-a-side football.
The vision to offer three larger facilities is based on the fact that soon there will not be any available pitches which are in the proximity of clubs in the City of Stockholm’s inner city areas. This combined with Stockholm’s rapid growth means that we must look afresh at how and where we will operate future football activities. In order to not end up in the same challenging situation we find ourselves in today, we must begin to plan for the future now.
The larger facilities described in the vision will primarily be used by older youth. Younger football players will, just as today, be offered training and play in accordance with the principle of proximity.
The Stockholm Football Association sees great practical and financial advantages in building larger facilities. By coordinating design, construction and future maintenance into one cohesive area, costs per football pitch can be substantially reduced. Another advantage is the possibility to arrange larger youth tournaments.
Our ambition was to begin the work of identifying suitable locations for larger football facilities in 2017, produce schematics for conceivable designs in 2018 and begin the project planning for execution in 2019. Unfortunately, at the beginning of 2019, we have still not succeeded in convincing the Stockholm City of this approach. We hope that we soon can get our politicians on board so we can start this important work for tomorrow. You will be able to follow the progress of the work on